Wrong version is inferred on CI/CD platforms
One of the very first steps when running a pipeline on a CI/CD platfom is checking out the Git repository and this is usually done by the platform without the user to define any specific configuration or workflow.
In order to optimize the proces, especially for very large repositories, the underlying CI/CD platform often tries not to checkout the entire repository but just the bare minimum contents. Common strategies often check out just the single last commit (which sometimes results in a detached HEAD).
While this works fine in most cases where you don't need the entire Git history, it may seriously affect Nyx's behavior as it needs the repository history in order to infer the required information and take consequent actions. What you see in this situation is that Nyx always start from the initial version (i.e. 0.1.0
when using semver), regardless of the repository history.
The solution to this issue is simple and is about instructing the CI/CD platform to check out the entire repository history when running pipelines.
The CI/CD can give you directions on how to get this done with tested CI/CD platforms.