The changelog section is where you configure the (optional) changelog generation.
The changelog section is where you configure the (optional) changelog generation.
Changelog attributes
Commit message conventions are patterns used for Git commit messages widely used in software development. To name a few: Conventional Commits, Angular, Karma, jQuery, JSHint, Ember, gitmoji. While discussing these conventions is out of scope for this page, what is important here is that you can configure Nyx with any convention in order to fetch information directly from the commit messages (like, for example, the version number to bump after a certain commit).
Configuration presets are the easiest way to get started with Nyx as they bring streamlined configurations ready to use with just one option to configure.
This section give you a detailed reference on Nyx configuration and command line options.
This preset can be used by setting the preset global configuration option value to extended and brings rich standard configurations suitable for projects with several options in place.
The git section is where you can pass Git parameters to Nyx.
Top level attributes
These are the top level options in the configuration:
Release assets are the artifacts to be attached to releases upon publication. These may be local files (produced during the build process) or remote URLs. The configuration allows using dynamic templates so you can have multiple degrees of control over the released contents.
The releaseAssets element is the list of artifacts that have been actually published along with the release. For each asset you have the file name, the description (or label), the MIME type and the URL to download the published asset.
Release scope attributes
Release types are definitions that allow conditional settings to be used depending on what Nyx is releasing and how. The configuration allows using dynamic values that can also be used as conditionals so you can have multiple degrees of control over the released contents.
Services are objects performing additional operations to be plugged in the overall workflow. They may support one or more features and they are invoked by specific configurations. The points where a service can be invoked from depend on the features they provide so for each invocation point the list of required features is outlined. Example services are those used to publish releases on Git hosting service like GitHub and GitLab or produce artifacts using templates.
This preset can be used by setting the preset global configuration option value to simple and brings standard configurations well suited to get started with common items, as follows.
You can get access to the internal state of Nyx if you need to use one of the values it computes internally or just to inspect its internals, like for debugging purpose.
Substitutions are used to replace arbitrary text tokens in any text file with static or dynamic contents.
Templates can be used in several places to make configuration dynamic or parametrize text outputs, be them strings, messages or even whole text files.