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Commit Message Conventions

Commit message conventions are patterns used for Git commit messages widely used in software development. To name a few: Conventional Commits, Angular, Karma, jQuery, JSHint, Ember, gitmoji. While discussing these conventions is out of scope for this page, what is important here is that you can configure Nyx with any convention in order to fetch information directly from the commit messages (like, for example, the version number to bump after a certain commit).

Conventions are configured within the commitMessageConventions section. The section allows one sub-section for each convention and some overall options.

You can have as many conventions as you want. You can use presets that come bundled with Nyx, override them or define your own from scratch.

Commit message conventions overall options

NameTypeCommand Line OptionEnvironment VariableDefault
commitMessageConventions/enabledlist--commit-message-conventions-enabled=<NAMES>NYX_COMMIT_MESSAGE_CONVENTIONS_ENABLED=<NAMES>No convention


DefaultNo convention
Command Line Option--commit-message-conventions-enabled=<NAMES>
Configuration File OptioncommitMessageConventions/enabled
Related state attributes

The comma separated list of commit message convention names that are enabled for the project. Here you can enable or disable the various conventions, either custom or default.

Each item in the list must correspond to a convention name attribute. Each named convention must exist, but not all defined convention must be enabled here. Convention not listed here will just be ignored by Nyx as if they were not even defined.


The order in which convention are listed matters. The conventions listed first are evaluated first, so when evaluating a commit message, the first convention that matches is used.

Commit message convention definition

Within the commitMessageConventions block you can define as many conventions as you want, each in its own separate block. The name identifies the convention so to define a brand new convention make sure you give it a name that was not already in use. If you use a name that was already defined for a convention then you are overriding an existing convention. Depending on the configuration method you use the name property might be defined inside or outside the block that configures a single convention.

Configuring conventions gives Nyx information about:

  • which structured information to extract from commit messages
  • which version number to bump according to the commit message contents

Each convention has the following attributes:

NameTypeCommand Line OptionEnvironment VariableDefault

When using multiple configuration methods or customizing presets, these values must be inherited or overridden as a whole. Overriding single values and inheriting others is not supported for this type of configuration option so when they are re-declared at one configuration level, all inherited values from those configuration methods with lower precedence are suppressed.


Command Line Option--commit-message-conventions-<NAME>-expression=<REGEX>
Configuration File OptioncommitMessageConventions/items/<NAME>/expression
Related state attributes

The expression in a commit message convention is a regular expression that:

  • is evaluated against the entire commit message
  • needs to match the entire commit message in order to be selected
  • can match multiple portions of the commit message, in which case its capturing group are evaluated for each match
  • uses a well defined set of named capturing group in order to return structured fields

The named capturing groups are:

  • type: a short identifier of the type of changes brought by a commit
  • scope: an optional short identifier of the scope of the commit contents
  • title: a short, single line statement of the commit contents and purpose

All the capturing groups are optional as not all conventions support all of these fields. These groups are read by name when the regular expression is evaluated and their values are used as structured information for various purposes by Nyx.

For example, the Conventional Commits expression is (?m)^(?<type>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\((?<scope>[a-z ]+)\))?(!)?:( (?<title>.+))$(?s).* and as you can see it has all the named capturing groups.


Commit messages are often made of multiple lines of text so, when authoring these expressions, consider using the multi-line and single-line flags ((?m) and (?s), respectively). This also affects whether or not you want to match one (i.e. the first line) or multiple portions of the commit message.


Use tools like regular expressions 101 to write and test your regular expressions.

While conventions usually define a range of allowed values for type and scope, Nyx is permissive about them so you don't need to be specific on their values belonging to a well known range of values. For example, Conventional Commits defines feat and fix as meaningful values for the commit type while other values are allowed (i.e. build, chore, ci, docs, style, refactor, perf, test and others). Nyx doesn't make assumptions on these values (unless they're also used for the bumpExpressions) so, as you can see by the example expression above, any value can be used.

Bump expressions

Command Line Option--commit-message-conventions-<NAME>-bumpExpressions-<IDENTIFIER>=<REGEX>
Configuration File OptioncommitMessageConventions/items/<NAME>/bumpExpressions
Related state attributes

The bumpExpressions map gives Nyx instructions about which version identifiers are expected to be bumped according to each match against the commit message. This map can be empty for those conventions not addressing the version bumping.

Those commits in the release scope that successfully match one of these expressions are available in the significantCommits list.

Each entry in this map is made of two strings: the name of a version identifier and a regular expression that, when matching the commit message, instructs Nyx to bump the identifier in the name of the map entry.

For example, the Conventional Commits bump expressions are:

  • major = (?s)(?m)^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(!: .*|.*^(BREAKING( |-)CHANGE: )).*
  • minor = (?s)(?m)^feat(!{0})(\([a-z ]+\))?: (?!.*^(BREAKING( |-)CHANGE: )).*
  • patch = (?s)(?m)^fix(!{0})(\([a-z ]+\))?: (?!.*^(BREAKING( |-)CHANGE: )).*

As you can see, when a commit message has an exlamation mark after the type or BREAKING CHANGE: (or BREAKING-CHANGE: ) appears in the footer, the major identifier is bumped, otherwise minor is bumped when the message type is feat or patch is bumped when the message type is fix. No bump is performed if none of these expressions is matched.

Bear in mind that:

  • the identifier names must comply with the configured version scheme (the above example is using Semantic Versioning)
  • each expression must match exactly one bump type and not others or the identifier that is dumped might be unpredictable
  • capturing groups are ignored (named or not) and these expressions are just used to match or not a commit message

When configuring this map using command line options or environment variables you need to pass flattened values as documented here. In this case you can pass each bump expression as a command line option like --commit-message-conventions-<NAME>-bumpExpressions-<IDENTIFIER_NAME>=<REGEX> or as an environment variable like NYX_COMMIT_MESSAGE_CONVENTIONS_<NAME>_BUMP_EXPRESSIONS_<IDENTIFIER_NAME>=<REGEX>.


Command Line Option--commit-message-conventions-<NAME>=<NAME>
Configuration File OptioncommitMessageConventions/items/<NAME>
Related state attributes

The short name that identifies this convention. This is also the value you can use in the enabled conventions. This is actually not a field to be set within a convention section but instead the key of the map element.

This option is mandatory.