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Changelog attributes

The following attributes are children of the changelog element:

changelog/releaseslistThe releases in the changelog

Please note that the changelog object is only present when a new version has been inferred and the changelog generation has been enabled by setting the changelog path option.


Related configuration options
Initialized by task

The ordered list of all changelog releases. The list is reverse ordered, so the newest release appears as the first element in the list, while the oldest is the last in the list.

Each release item has the following attributes:

changelog/releases/<ID>/datestringThe release date (as a formatted string)
changelog/releases/<ID>/namestringThe release name
changelog/releases/<ID>/sectionslistThe commit sections within a release


Related configuration options
Initialized by task

The sections of changes (commits) within a release. This is a the list of commits within the section for the release.

The section names are the commit types as they are inferred by the commit message conventions (more specifically, by the regular expression) but they can be remapped according to the sections defined for the changelog. If mapping is enabled (when sections have been defined) all commits not falling into an explicitly defined section will not appear in the changelog.

Each section item has the following attributes:

changelog/releases/<ID>/sections/<NAME>/namestringThe section name
changelog/releases/<ID>/sections/<NAME>/commitslistThe list of commits for the section

Commit objects

Each commit in the changelog has the following properties:

shastringThe SHA-1 identifier of the commit
dateintegerThe integer representing the commit timestamp
parentslistThe list of SHA-1 identifiers of parent commits
authorActionobjectThe container for the commit author fields (see below)
authorAction/identityobjectThe container for the commit author identity fields (see below)
authorAction/identity/namestringThe commit author name
authorAction/identity/emailstringThe commit author email (optional)
authorAction/timeStampobjectThe commit author timestamp (optional)
authorAction/timeStamp/timeStampdateThe actual commit author timestamp
authorAction/timeStamp/timeZonestringThe commit author time zone (optional)
commitActionobjectThe container for the committer fields (see below)
commitAction/identityobjectThe container for the committer identity fields (see below)
commitAction/identity/namestringThe committer name
commitAction/identity/emailstringThe committer email (optional)
commitAction/timeStampobjectThe committer timestamp (optional)
commitAction/timeStamp/timeStampdateThe actual committer timestamp
commitAction/timeStamp/timeZonestringThe committer time zone (optional)
messageobjectThe container for the commit message (see below)
message/fullMessagestringThe entire commit message
message/shortMessagestringThe first line of the commit message
message/footersmapThe commit footers, each modelled as a name and value pair
tagslistThe list of tags applied to the commit